40 Ways to Take a Break

just breathe

Sometimes we fill our calendars with so many obligations, we tend to burn ourselves out. But hey, we’re busy. We have work, household chores, social activities, homework, practice, and many other things to do. When we finally have some downtime, we’re too tired to do anything but sleep. I like to stay active and have side projects outside of my work. A couple things I like to do is blog for KSDJ 90.7, this blog and research advertising, copywriting, digital marketing strategies and creativity. But when I reach that point where my work brain begins to “turn down (for what)” I start to panic.

I ask myself questions like, “Am I really tired right now?” or “What else can I get done?” Or I tell myself to make a to-do list. Instead of caving in to my desire to remain motivated, I’ve been allowing myself some break time. So I compiled a to-do list of things to consider when your schedule opens up. Hope you find some of these ideas helpful 🙂

  1. Take a bath.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Meditate.
  4. Read a book.
  5. Listen to a guided relaxation.
  6. Take a deep belly breath.
  7. Write in a journal.
  8. Walk outside.
  9. Go for a run.
  10. Stretch it out.
  11. Eat a meal in silence.
  12. Turn off all electronics.
  13. Take a bike ride.
  14. Go to a park.
  15. Drive somewhere new.
  16. Examine an everyday object with fresh eyes.
  17. Color with crayons.
  18. Paint on a surface other than paper.
  19. Write a poem.
  20. Climb a tree.
  21. Pet a furry creature (or friend).
  22. Go to a farmers market.
  23. Read poetry.
  24. Take a coffee break.
  25. Join a yoga class.
  26. Engage in a small act of kindness.
  27. Put on some music and dance.
  28. Give thanks.
  29. View some artwork.
  30. Smell relaxing scents.
  31. Meander around town.
  32. Call a friend.
  33. Sit in nature.
  34. Watch the clouds.
  35. Rest your legs up on a wall.
  36. Listen to music.
  37. Take a nap.
  38. Fly a kite.
  39. Write a letter.
  40. Watch the stars.

Combine a couple of these ideas for an ultimate relaxation combo! Now, how do you relax? Comment below!

Shake It Up™ with Tic Tac’s Latest Digital Marketing Campaign



What’s one ritual most of us think to do before a date, following a midday snack or after a morning cup of coffee?  Check your breath.  One quick remedy to the uncomfortable feeling of a dirty mouth is to pop in a breath mint.  This small chore of sucking on a coated, capsule-shaped mint can make a big impact on your breath, confidence level and reactions of those you face in upcoming close conversations.  There are many companies that produce mints out there, but one company stands out.  That company is the manufacturer of the widely known Tic Tac® breath mints.

Back in 1969, the Ferrero Company launched the classic fresh mint flavor of the first Tic Tac® product.  As the years progressed, additional flavors were unveiled.  In present day, the popular mint is available in spearmint, citrus twist, wintergreen, orange, and cinnamon.  Handfuls of Tic Tac® mints rest packaged in tiny, transparent plastic packages and make a distinguishable rattle sound when shaken. Not only is this product recognized in America, it’s available in nearly 100 other countries all over world.  Besides being an iconic breath mint, the product also has a unique digital media strategy and style.

The Ferrero Company wanted to market their Tic Tac® brand in a new way.  So the company hired Merkly + Partners, a New York-based advertising agency, to come up with an interactive and mobile-friendly campaign and Total Immersion, global leader in augmented reality, to integrate real-time interactive 3D graphics into a live video stream.  Together, the companies came up with a 360-degree marketing campaign entitled Shake It Up™.  Shake It Up™ encourages Millennials to escape their mundane activities and discover new, unusual ways to spend their time.  Interactive television, outdoor and print advertisements feature odd facts, games, pick-up lines and other tidbits of information that all seek to enlighten consumers.  The ads contain clever, quick witted sayings, with bold color schemes and moderns designs.  Focal pieces of copy are made up of thousands of tiny Tic Tac® mints in one uniform mass of color.

For example, a print advertisement that reads, “Most Americans Spend 13 Years Of Their Lives Watching TV,” has a call-to-action that requests an individual to “shake up” their routine by pulling out their smart phone and viewing the advertisement with augmented reality.  Augmented reality is a new technology that superimposes graphics on the real world image.  The user is able to watch an animation and interact with the brand.  So while the individual looks at their smart phone upon viewing the Tic Tac® ad, a sequence of facts, jokes, and interesting material pop up that all relate back to one concept.  That concept is the fact that we spend too much time doing dull, meaningless activities and we really need to “shake up” our daily lives.

After plenty of research, Ferrero discovered a couple key insights about the millennial generation. “We learned that they want to be surprised and entertained.  Our response was to create a campaign that inspires them to spontaneously break up their routine,” said Noah Szporn, category manager at Ferrero U.S.A., Inc.  “The 360-degree Shake It Up™ campaign goes beyond traditional advertising, especially through the mobile technology of the Tic Tac® Viewr app, which allows consumers to engage with Tic Tac® mints wherever they are through a medium that they never leave behind” (Geffroy, 2012).

Merkley + Partners designed the Tic Tac® Viewr app while Total Immersion developed it.  They shared the same goal, and that was to excite the millennial generation with an unusual perspective on the world around them.  The app is available for iOS and Android mobile phones.  Consumers may also use tablets and iPads to experience this augmented reality.  The versatility of using the app from a variety of devices gives it more reach and therefore, brings the brand more success.

Outside of this digital tactic, the Tic Tac® brand seeks to illuminate the crowded streets of New York City.  A Times Square ad interacts with consumers by giving them the option to create a personalized billboard image from a consumer’s smart phone by downloading the application.  They can then share the image on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or all three.  User-generated content like this is important to create participants in a brand.  This ingenious idea makes the Tic Tac® brand stand out and adds a personal touch – which the Millennial generation enjoys.  Consumers can also subscribe to the Tic Tac® YouTube Channel, “Like” them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

On the Tic Tac® Facebook  and Twitter pages, the brand likes to follow three rules.  Those rules are to remain consistent, to incorporate trending topics, and to have a great sense of humor.  They captivate their audience digitally by posting relevant content that relates back to their Shake It Up™ theme.  Consumers are asked to “shake up” their taste buds by liking, favoriting, sharing or commenting on their content.  Their brand voice is upbeat and attracts millions of loyal fans giving them a very high reach and engagement.  The about section on Facebook even reads, “The Tic Tac® brand wants to provide a gentle reminder to those who may have nodded off in life, that sometimes each and every one of us needs to shake things up” (Zog Digital, 2013).

The Tic Tac® social media strategies are a great example of how brands can bring personality into promoting their products.  Facebook users need a reason to follow you, and entertainment is a great way to spark their interest.  By incorporating trending topics like Throwback Thursday and using hashtags, Tic Tac® is able to remain current and forward thinking.  The brand still uses promoted posts and contests, but they make sure to use a strong sense of humor to spread happiness and engage a loyal fan base.  Sometimes they come up with fake Tic Tac® flavors such as cheese fries, popcorn or salted pretzel.

Latest Musical Discovery: Real Estate

Most people tend to know what they like when it comes to their musical preferences.  Some are even very opinionated of musical matters – and I am definitely one of those people.

I’d have to say my true musical taste didn’t thoroughly develop until I reached my freshman year in college. As I look back on that first semester, I remember moments of clarity and realization as I really began to connect with artists like The Strokes, The White Stripes, Dashboard Confessional, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beck, Pixies, Bloc Party and so, so much more. But this was just the beginning.

As I explored other similar artists such as Dinosaur Jr., The Flaming Lips, Smashing Pumpkins and The Black Keys, my mind went crazy. Why did I spend all those years in high school listening to mindless, mainstream, top-of-the-chart hits?! I never could relate to those songs, I only listened to them because everyone else did.

After I discovered more and more bands through my next couple years in college, I realized this passion would never run dry. I am a stone cold music junkie. What started out as simple curiosity and musical wanderlust has lead to an incessant need to know more artists.

As you might be able to tell, the genres I prefer are alternative, folk, classic rock, and indie. With that, I’ve decided to add my first regular post series. The idea hit me today – on my day off from work and class – and I feel very excited to get started!

So, without further ado, please allow me to introduce you to my latest musical discovery:



Real Estate is an indie rock band hailing from Ridgewood, New Jersey, and currently living in Brooklyn, New York. The first song I heard from this very talented group was Talking Backwards. The melody immediately relaxes you as the lyrics draw you in. What I gathered from the lyrics is that it’s about trying to maintain a long distance friendship or relationship and not always being able to say the right things.

Outside of Talking Backwards, I’ve listened to Fake Blues, Kinder Blumen, and Green River. Real Estate features Martin Courtney, Etienne Duguay, Alex Bleeker and Matthew Mondanile. Before their union, the group had played together in other bands – including a Weezer cover band – during high school but didn’t officially become Real Estate Until Martin returned to the Garden State after attending college in Washington.

Real Estate has a total of three albumss so far, including Suburban Beverage 7″, Days and Atlas. Check this group out!


Team Spark Wins First Place at the 2014 NSAC District 8 Advertising Competition!


Wow, what an incredible semester it has been. As most of you know, I’m an advertising major at South Dakota State University. This year, we were presented with the challenge to come up with a full repositioning campaign for Mary Kay, a national direct-selling makeup company.

Our challenge was to increase awareness and positive perception for Mary Kay makeup to female Millennials (18-25). We were also asked to increase consideration for product purchases and business opportunities.

After many long days and nights of working with an amazing group of talented classmates and friends, our hard work payed off. We won the competition! I’m so proud of this group. This experience has been unforgettable and I can’t wait to see what’s ahead for each of us. Go Team Spark!

Seeking Inspiration

Each day, I strive to find meaning and inspiration. I look to many places to find this. Normally, inspiration finds you, whether that be with your family, friends, professors, coworkers or even random strangers. People and new faces reach out and touch your heart every day.

I’m a strong believer in living a balanced life and taking time to enjoy the little things. Here’s one of my favorite Henry David Thoreau quotes:

“How vain is it to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” – Henry David Thoreau

Another place I look to feel inspired is from one of my favorite poets, Pat Cegan. I subscribe to her blog and read her poems and short stories every day. Her soul breathes through her words and I look forward to reading each post. Here’s a link to her WordPress blog:  www.patcegan.wordpress.com

Here’s a little taste:

The Collective Dream
There is a creative
Force in the collective
desires of mankind. Our
thoughts, like radio waves,
go out to merge with the
like energy of others. This
Force of intention attracts
what is needed to materialize.
To reverse a negative situation,
we must change what is creating it–
the source of its power.
Our thoughts are so much more
powerful than we realize. We
must discipline our minds to
stay focused on what we wish to
create. When we dull our minds
with anger, idle chatter, selfish
desires, over-indulgence, we
dilute this Force of creation
and live watered-down lives
of despair.

I believe it’s important for each and everyone of us to find meaning in the every day. Have I inspired you? Where do you find your inspiration? Share your thoughts with me and comment on this post 🙂

After a 5 Month Hiatus I’m back to Blogging…

Hello folks!

For those of you who take time out of your day to read this, I appreciate it. As you may know, from now until May 9th I will being finishing up my finals months as a college student. It’s been nearly 5 years of life-changing experiences, laughs, new friendships, stress, all-nighters, and many, many memories.

Before I become caught up in writing my goodbyes and spreading my thanks to the many people who’ve mad these years worthwhile, I thought I’d share some words that inspired me today. Currently, I’m searching for an internship, job, or anything similar to kick off my career. I’m graduating with a degree in advertising, minors in art and marketing and several graphic design electives. Writing is my passion, and along with that I enjoy collaborating with like-minded individuals to create, problem solve and explore new possibilities for brands, businesses and clients.

I’ve applied for internships in Sioux Falls, Minneapolis and Chicago. And so far, I haven’t had many leads. I’ve had interviews, yes, and even competed as a finalist for a copywriter internship position at a renown and well-known advertising agency. From these experiences, I know I’m really honing in on something….SOMETHING. I can feel it.

Anyways, here’s what I read today that caught my eye and sparked my interest. Anna Quindlen, Pulitzer-Prize-winning author, journalist, and New York Times op-ed columnist, once wrote:

“You cannot be really first-rate at your work if your work is all you are. So I suppose the best piece of advice I could give anyone is pretty simple: get a life. A real life, not a manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house. Do you think you’d care so very much about those things if you developed an aneurysm one afternoon, or found a lump in your breast while in the shower?

Turn off your cell phone. Turn off your regular phone, for that matter. Keep still. Be present. Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure, it is work. All of us want to do well. But if we do not do good, too, then doing well will never be enough.”

Do advertisements annoy you?

Do advertisements annoy you?

I’m sure I can guess how most of you would answer this question.  However, let’s consider the reason advertisements annoy you.

Don’t advertisements all seem the same?

They blend together and create an annoying spectrum of endless sales pitches meant to entertain, inform and entice you.  They interrupt you when you watch TV, listen to free-streaming music, read magazines and even as you wait at a bus top.  Ads are everywhere.  We’re bombarded everyday by attempts to pull you in and turn you into a loyal customer.

However, we’ve almost become numb to an advertisement’s effect.  Society may see the ads but do they actually watch, read or understand them?  Do we even try anymore?

For an ad to gain attention it must be presented to the right crowd of people in need of the product or service.  Even if these individuals don’t necessarily “need” what you’re selling, the ad should attempt to change their minds.

Dull, meaningless ads aren’t enough anymore.  They aren’t doing anything!  Advertisements need to evolve in order to appeal to the masses.  Let’s not make ads, let’s make movements.

Make ads that stand out.  For example, check out Coke’s latest ad campaign titled “Happiness Is Movement.”  The video features beautifully crafted wooden puppets that run, jump and move with surprising ease.



Doesn’t that grab your attention?

Create an ad that colorfully tells a story.  Let’s tap in to the audience’s heartstrings and find meaning behind what you want to sell.

Read more here:  www.designtaxi.com/news/359929/Coco-Cola-s-New-Ad-Encourages-Exercise-Promotes-Active-Healthy-Lifestyle/ 




Check out this reverse graffiti art work. GImagereen Works natural cleaners washed away dirt and soot leaving a naturescape that is still visible even a year later.  They’ve ingeniously used the Broadway Tunnel in San Fransisco as their canvas to create an example of how powerful their product is.

View more reverse graffiti art here:  www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featured/35-greatest-works-of-reverse-graffiti/1949?image=2





Most of us need a pick-me-up to start each day, especially if you’re spending your morning waiting at an airport. A South African coffee company Douwe Egberts wanted to do something different. Instead of the usual vending machine, they decided to place a unique coffee vending machine at the O.R. Tambo International Airport, “where people most needed a coffee”.  The machine dispensed free coffee only if someone yawned at it.

See more here:  www.creativeguerrillamarketing.com/guerrilla-marketing/coffee-machine-that-dispenses-free-coffee-when-you-yawn/

Ads like these get recognition.  They generate consumer interest.  They entertain, inform and entice you. They work.

Music in Advertising

Music is a powerful tool, especially when applied to advertising.  Simply put, music touches our souls.  It engages listeners through a variety of sounds that correspond together to form a melody.  Music makes sense. It creates fleeting images in our minds.  The meaning behind the music is commonly an item of interest to listeners.  We seek the answers to the questions that may arise from a song.  Songs remind us of someone, some thing, or some event.  They bring a rush of memories to our mind.  It’s as if the rhythms, notes, lyrics, and sounds presented in a tune trigger either a powerful thought or an emotional experience.

We know what we like when it comes to music and there are many genres to choose from.  We acquire our musical tastes of by picking and choosing between songs and who sing them.  As our discoveries coincide, we make up our minds.  We seem to allow a message into our thoughts if it’s presented by a song or band we’re interested in.  Is it really that simple?  Are our guards suddenly dropped once we realize we enjoy the song ringing lyrics in our ears, feeding us information and ideas?

Music affects us, more so than we think.  It’s meant to be relatable and applicable to our lives.  This is true for advertising as well.  Advertising brings new products and services to our attention, as it persuades us to purchase them by creating happy thoughts and relatable scenarios.  The goal of advertising is to promote the product to a group of people, often known as a target market.  Perhaps, by appealing to the consumer’s music preference, the likability of the product is heightened.  Music is also highly recognizable and memorable.  Most music groups and songs are easily accessible to nearly everyone.  Music just wants to be heard.

Advertisers commonly categorize consumers into certain target markets.  Target markets are groups of people with common interests and characteristics.  Some target markets bring in more business than others.  Having a well defined target market can be very important in generating interest and creating potential customers.  It’s safe to say, the people in a target market may have a similar taste of music.  So, music is another powerful device which may be used to appeal to a specified target market.

Perhaps when a group of individuals with similar music preferences emerge, they form a target market.  They more than likely share common interests, beliefs and characteristics.  Music stereotypes are also formed.  For example, a person who’s interested in heavy metal or rock is normally part of a very different demographic than a person who’s interested in classical, peaceful music.  You can learn many things about a person by listening to the music they’re interested in.  Advertisers like to determine what demographics consumers belong to, as they try to determine how to persuade them.  The more we like the message, the more powerful the persuasion.  Almost instantaneously, musical styles and genres offer opportunities for communicating social messages.  Groups with a preferred style of music share a similar passion. An important part of an advertiser’s job is to determine the client’s message and then get that message across to the consumers.  What better way to do this than by using music as the affiliate for that communication? 

Another aspect of music, which is beneficial for advertising, is how recognizable and memorable it is.  Catchy tunes and lyrics are commonly tied with the products they promote.  For example, Swiffer products use 80’s music in many of their commercials and campaigns.  Songs like “Baby come Back” by the band Player and “Whip it” by the band Devo have been played on commercials for Swiffer products.  These upbeat songs create the allusion that cleaning with this product is fun, quick, and easy.  Many commercials use mainstream music, bands, and artists to add a mood to the scene they’re creating.  Certain areas of the advertisement are even dramatized by the music playing.  A Doublemint gum commercial featured a popular song by Chris Brown.  Chris was filmed singing the song “Forever” with the lyrics tweaked to represent the new advertising jingle for Doublemint gum.

Along with music being recognizable, it is also very easy to access.  Music websites such as Pandora and Spotify offer users the ability to listen to nearly any type of music constantly.  These websites have become so increasingly popular, that they run advertisements on them between songs.  Downloading music online is also incredibly popular.  The downloading tool known as iTunes advertises many mainstream music groups and artists.  Not only does iTunes sell songs, they also sell movies, television shows, and comedic reels. 

However, many music listeners choose to download their songs illegally from websites such as LimeWire and Bittorent.  This has had quite the impact on the music industry, through a loss of profits and jobs.  In fact, it’s also changed how music is delivered to the masses.  Between 2004 and 2009, nearly 30 billion songs were illegally downloaded according to the Recording Industry Association of America.  Record labels are focusing on only a few established artists, since they can’t afford to waste time and money on promoting new music artists. 

Also, this impact has changed how the music industry features artists in order to promote their albums and make a profit.  They develop new tactics like turning popular songs into ringtones and digitally licensing music to sites like YouTube and Pandora.  Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest have been used to advertise new music artists and songs.  They ask you to like their Facebook account and follow them on Twitter, where they can advertise their latest songs, albums, concerts, and music festivals.  Like-minded fans interact, share, and participate in the music industry’s methods of digital marketing in order to stay up to date on their favorite music groups and artists.

However, since a decline in CDs sales and radio plays, there is a continuing struggle to gain attention.  Music videos have attempted to grab attention by forming an interesting scenario paired with the song.  Marketing strategies such as product placement appear in the music video.  Song artists and musicians showcase their preference for a particular product.  Would a fan choose to use this product just because their favorite band does?

On the other hand, maybe record companies have made a mistake?  Now it seems like music is marketed with as much enthusiasm as advertising methods used for toothpaste or mayonnaise.  Music is art.  It could take weeks or months even to feel inspired enough to write one song. The great bands from the 60s and 70s like The Who, The Rolling Stone, The Doors, Pink Floyd, and so many others were only focusing on making music, just music.  Many people liked their music, not because it was toothpaste or mayonnaise, or the latest advancement in non-stick frying pans, but because it was true, solid art.

Now, musicians are told what to sell and how to make their music in order to develop consumer interest and promote their bands.  This aspect takes the edge out of music.  It doesn’t feel special or creative anymore.  It feels controlled and commercial. How can a song still portray a rebellious vibe while being constrained by a record label’s standards and rules?  Inspiration, dedication, and soul should be the driving forces behind a musician’s creation and campaign. 

Simply, the best marketing strategy could be to not have one.  Allow the fans and music lovers to promote the albums and songs available.  Word of mouth is a highly effective method at grabbing attention.  Sometimes, listeners even love their favorite bands more if they realize how special and uncommon the music is.  They feel like they have discovered an artist by surfing the web one day and accidentally coming across their next favorite song.  It’s true, music does have ongoing trends which many people follow and keep up with.  However, a spontaneous or innovative sounding group or individual may stir up a lot of public attention by expressing their special music talent.  That unique quality they possess sets them apart from the mainstream.

All in all, music will continue to be created and listeners will continue to listen.  Promotion methods may change, but the art will always be there.  We all have different tastes in music, as we all have different beliefs.  Sometimes these beliefs and the types of music we enjoy coincide.  We then turn into stereotypes for liking certain songs, genres, or bands.  This helps advertisers place us into different target markets as they attempt to appeal to our interests, then persuade us to purchase the product or service they are promoting.  Songs are catchy, memorable and easy to access.  The music industry will continue to discover new methods as they endorse musicians and attempt to profit from them.  But the only point of creating music should be for it to be heard and enjoyed.